
What you need to know about UTIs

August 25, 2022 | Logan Simmons
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a sadly common occurrence in our dogs and cats (especially among

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a sadly common occurrence in our dogs and cats (especially among females.).  It occurs when bacteria infects the urinary tract and, when it occurs, it causes painful symptoms.  Additionally, UTIs can be upper or lower depending on whether or not the kidneys themselves have been infected or if the bladder has become infected.  Generally, lower UTIs are less severe but still require treatment.

How do you know if your dog or cat has a UTI?  There are some common signs like frequent urination or painful urination, bloody urine, excessive drinking, leaking urine or excessively licking the genital area.  If you see these sings, it’s time to take a trip to the vet where they’ll decide the best course of treatment.

However, we want to eliminate UTIs in the first place right?  While they’re aren’t any methods that are 100% effective, there are some things you can do like making sure your dog or cat always has fresh water available, helping your pet loose weight or cleaning the genital area daily.

All of that said, you also need to take a look at your pet’s food to make sure that the right ingredients and supplements are included to help eliminate UTIs.  In the case of PURELUXE Pet Food, we include super ingredients like cranberries that help urinary tract health and yucca extract that helps reduce inflammation.  Do you know what’s in your pet’s food?  Learn all about PURELUXE’s benefits at pureluxepetfood.com.  Happy health to you and your pet!

